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Colwyn Jetski Club Clothing:


Hoodies and Polo Shirts are available with the New Colwyn Jetski Club logo and now in Pink and Blue.

Keep an eye on the Colwyn Jetski Club Facebook page or the website for more details of the up and coming events. 

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Logo Rebrand Competition.

Students from Ruthin School are producing concept ideas for a new club logo.


They are doing this as part of their computer science lessons which involve studying how computer graphics are made and the complexities of compression algorithms and the demands of producing a logo suitable for social media platforms. 

Let us know your thoughts. 

Colwyn Jet Ski Club are once again proud to be part of Prom Xtra Saturday 11th 2024 from 10:00.

Please call in to say Hello!

We will also be giving Jetski passenger rides on Conwy Quay Day 6th July more info to follow

Colwyn Jet Ski club is committed to safe and responsible use of the water. To that end our RYA instructor give their time freely to members and non-members alike to provide high quality training at an affordable price.

Here are our recent graduates receiving their RYA PWC certificate.

Head over to the RYA page for more details

April 2023


The first few weeks of the 2023 season got off to a flying start. We welcomed some new faces to the AGM on good friday, with lots launching over the Easter weekend.


April also saw the first RYA course of the season with 6 students successfully passing the day long course, we also welcomed 3 new RYA instructors into the CJSC fold, Lynne, Nick and Dave will all be instructing with us over the coming weeks.

RYA 2023-04-15 #4.jpg

8th September 2022

Royalist or Republican no one can doubt the dedication to her country and the honour dignity and respect she served with.


It is with the deepest sadness we mourn the death of Her Majesty the Queen and we extend our heartfelt condolences to the King and the rest of the Royal Family.

Please note that tractor services will continue as normal for the time being


July 2022

July has seen many club members getting their jet skis out, despite the cost of fuel! Why? Simply put jet skis  allow users a unique perspective of the beautiful Welsh coastline. We pride ourselves on being respectful of wildlife and other beach users. We also condemn the irresponsible minority. Jet skiing is also a family friendly activity. Not convinced? New(ish) members, the Scotts sent us video to select clips from, but we thought it too good to crop, so enjoy!

June 2022

June saw many more members hit the water - despite the rising cost of fuel.

We also provided two RYA PWC training courses. These are run as not for profit and the instructors give their time freely. So pop over the the training page and get booked on.

For more information or to book a course click here.

RYA training

May 2022

Our RYA training year has gotten off to a good start with a couple of courses under our belt. We feel this is a core responsibility for the club and as such we offer inexpensive RYA PWC training. We provide training on a not-for-profit basis and the instructors give their time voluntarily. Our training is also tailored to our unique location and we identify sensitive ecological areas to avoid. Our goal is to see all PWC owners trained to be safe and courteous users.

For more information or to book a course click here.

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-14 at 10.20.09 AM.jpeg

April 2022

We are very pleased to announce that Colwyn Jetski Club will be represented at Prom Xtra again this year. 

After Covid restrictions it seem like an age has passed since we were last able to be there, but 2022 feels like a new beginning. So, if you are free on 7th May between 10 and 5 pop down to Porth Eirias and say hi. Details can be found at their website:


April 2022

Our Annual General Meeting for year 2021 will be held on Friday 15th April at 1000hrs, Creuddyn Pods, Parc Eirias Leisure Centre, Eirias Road, Colwyn Bay, LL29 7SP. NOT AT PORTH EIRIAS! 

This would be a great opportunity for any potential members to join us and get to meet fellow members and hear what we've been up to. It would also be great to see as many existing members as possible. It is your Club and this is your opportunity to see what happens behind the scenes and to bring up any points you wish. There will be no tractor service until after the meeting has closed.

March 2022

CJSC Season starts next Sunday, 3rd April. Tractor will be there 1000hrs.

You've got 5 days left to take advantage of the early bird discount, if you were a member in 2021.

February 2022

As we approach the start of the 2022 season the club committee have been busy behind the scenes. Last weekend we held the first committee meeting of 2022 with lots to discuss. 2021 members will shortly receive an email from the club secretary detailing membership details and the date for the AGM (15th April). If you don't receive one contact Dylan at We look forward to seeing you on the water soon!

June 2021

The club is now fully open and operating the tractor on Saturdays and Sundays. The weather has been relatively kind to us recently and members have made the most of the stunning local area including multiple loops of Anglesey.


RYA update: We have successfully run our first three courses of the year, allowing students to receive their PWC certificates and we are trying to catch up on all postponements from 2020. The third of which was inspected by RYA, validating us for another year, so you can be assured to receive the most up to date training.


We tailor our courses to allow you to make the most of our location in a safe and responsible way; but the RYA certificate is being required to launch at many harbours in the UK should you wish to venture further afield. If you are interested go to the RYA training page.  


Porth Eirias: We have always worked closely with Conwy Council since our creation and particularly since the building of the stunning Porth Eirias facility. This year we have entered into a more formal agreement giving us exclusive access to water for flushing and rinsing our skis, access to the toilets and a changing room onsite including lockers and showers. Though please note you may be asked to show your membership card to gain access and you will need a code for the changing rooms available from the driver.

May 2021

We are open!

The Welsh government has confirmed that Wales moved to Alert Level 2 on the 17th May meaning that clubs such as I are allowed to open once more. Obviously we ask members to maintain Covid safe procedures, but our first official club day of 2021 will be Sunday 23rd May!

We are still not able to run club days, but recent relaxations of the rules mean we have been able to remove the need for booking a launch time. Check out the gallery page for some trips taken in the area. We can't wait until we can organise some club runs soon.


April 2021

We are by no means out of the woods with regard to Covid, and due to the various governments involved we are not currently able to run club days, but we have been able to operate limited launch facilities for members from anywhere in the UK.

All members should by now received an email from Dylan detailing the booking procedures, limitations and rules, but if not contact him at   

February 2021

Members in 2020 should have received an email in the last 24 hours, so check your inboxes for the full text, but here is an overview of the contents:

Membership packs will be posted in the next few days to those who have renewed their membership and returned their documents*. 

New for 2021 membership will be a shiny Colwyn Jetski Club Membership Card. The card also includes a QR code for our Affiliates Page


So far we have Robert Owen Marine**, Avos Watersports Den, MES Marine, Powersport Marine and Evolution Cycles as affiliates, with more in the pipeline. You will need to show your card or otherwise prove your membership to maintain fairness and prevent misuse (T&Cs are on the affiliates page) 


The Covid-19 situation in Wales is looking a little bit more positive, and the Welsh Government hoping for a “limited reopening of some parts of the tourism industry by Easter providing the public health situation allows it”, and the reopening of County Slipways by Conwy Council, we are hoping to welcome members back to Porth Eirias very soon. We will keep you updated on dates. There will be some Covid-19 measures we will have to adhere to as a Club, similar to those in 2020.

* Documents required before membership can be processed are: Completed Membership Form, Tractor Waiver Form and Proof of valid insurance

** Robert Owen Marine who have also created a special CJSC discount code which will be sent to members which can be used in their online shop

January 2021

Members should have received an email in the last 24 hours, so check your inboxes for the full text, but an excerpt reads:


Not too long now until the start of the 2021 CJSC season; we're sure you're all looking forward to getting back on the water, just as we are to sitting on the tractor and launching you again. We hope to make a start to the season as planned on Friday 2nd April, but this will, of course, depend on the Welsh Government guidelines at the time. 


Membership renewals will be posted out in the next few days so please keep an eye out on your door mats. 

Colwyn Jetski Club Members Annual AGM

All CJSC members are invited to attend the Annual CJSC AGM on 22nd November 

2020 via Zoom - link sent via email to all current members.



Update 18/7/20


Dear Member,


Following meetings this week between the Welsh Government and RYA Cymru Wales, an additional RYA Club Guidance document has been issued:


Maintain a 2m Social Distance


Clubs, affiliated organisations and training centres

  • Appoint a Coronavirus Officer. (At CJSC this is Dylan Pritchard)



  • All must undergo a self-assessment for COVID19 symptoms. Activity organisers should ensure, upon arrival, that participants have completed a self-assessment for COVID19 symptoms. (At CJSC everyone upon arrival at the Porth Eirias slipway on a Club Day must complete the self-assessment form provided by the Tractor Driver/Committee Member. This is mandatory; we cannot launch anyone who does not complete this form)


Test, Trace & Protect

  • Adopt a Test, Trace and Protect Plan, in line with Welsh Government, and in line with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) procedures. Must be kept a minimum a minimum of 21 days after the activity. (At CJSC we maintain a register, which includes names and contact details, of all members who ski from the Porth Eirias slipway on each Club Day)


Please help us to protect you and your families by adhering to the above guidelines.


Thanks and kind regards,

The CJSC committee.



Update 14/7/20


Dear Member,


Last week Mark Drakeford, the First Minister of Wales, announced a further easing of lockdown restrictions. He stated, "The Welsh Government is also making changes to the regulations to allow larger gatherings of up to 30 people outdoors only where these are organised and supervised by a responsible person for sports and other leisure activities and classes.


This will allow sports and leisure activities, such as fitness and dance classes to take place outdoors."


This means we can now relax some of the club restrictions put in place to adhere to Welsh Government rules and to protect CJSC members, their families and the Tractor Driver (TD) who will act as the "Responsible Person" for the activity. From Sunday 19th July the following will apply:


Social Distancing must always be practiced (currently still 2m in Wales)

  1. After safety, an important priority is to prevent a large crowd gathering at the top of the slipway. Public gatherings of over 30 people are illegal in Wales. We must not congregate in that area.

  2. The pre-booking system will no longer be necessary; it is unlikely that over 30 skis will arrive simultaneously. Please just turn up on the day.

  3. Only Colwyn Jetski Club members will be launched by our tractor. No day launches, visitors or boats will be launched by us.

  4. Family members are allowed on the Porth Eirias carpark at their own risk but must exercise Social Distancing . They must not congregate at the top of the slipway.

  5. The PW owner, or their companion, to be in sole charge of hitching , unhitching and recovering their own trailer. The TD to have limited exposure to this

  6. Please ensure you clearly mark your trailer with your name and membership number. The numbered label system will no longer be used due to COVID19 restrictions.

  7. Please ensure that your ski is seaworthy and fully fueled.

  8. If conditions are problematic (e.g. strong onshore winds, high waves, etc.), the TD has the final decision on whether to launch PWs and, in conjunction with the Harbour Officer, to close the slipway. We have been asked to minimize the possible involvement of the RNLI and other rescue services in the current climate.

  9. The Porth Eirias building is still closed; no changing facilities, toilets or cafe facilities are available. Some public toilets along the Prom are also closed.

  10. Please do not land at Llandudno, Conwy Quay, Beaumaris, Caernarfon or other areas frequented by the public. This will assist adherence to Social Distancing criteria.

  11. On return, the companion or TD will take the trailer to the water and retrieve the PW. At the top of the slipway the owner or companion must remove the trailer from the tractor.

  12. The water tap will be operational. PW owners may use it at their own risk and must wear protective gloves. Please wipe down the tap and hose head with antibacterial hand-sanitizer before and after use, and just give the ski a short flush and rinse to minimize queuing.

  13. We strongly advise against club members launching themselves.  Anyone doing so does it at their own risk.

Hopefully, these restrictions will be reduced further as time goes on. We will, of course, keep you informed



Update 12/5/20 - This afternoon the committee of CJSC spoke to officers of RYA Cymru Wales and Conwy Harbour Authority. Both organisations confirmed the following:

  • As it stands today, following the Welsh Government announcement over the weekend, all boating (including jet skiing) in Wales cannot re-start at the moment.

  • All Conwy County Borough Council slipways, including Porth Eirias, are staying closed and access barricades remain in place.


All none essential travel in Wales is being actively discouraged and police patrols have been seen on the A55 questioning drivers.


You will be updated again as soon as any changes to the above situation are made.


Update 26/3/20 - For Reference all Slipways in Conwy County are now closed to the general public as directed by Conwy Harbour Office.


Colwyn Jetski Club Committee Message:


Coronavirus (COVID-19)


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is a life-threatening respiratory illness that can cause fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.


Considering the restrictions announced by the government in relation to the outbreak of COVID-19, we, the committee, recognize the need for adherence to the guidelines that have been issued.


With this in mind your committee has decided to postpone the club’s official start of the 2020 season, Sunday 5th April, until further notice. This means the tractor will not operate during this period, nor will any committee members be present at the slipway. We will constantly monitor the situation, particularly with respect to any changes to the policies and directives set out by the government, and advise you accordingly.


No RYA PW Competency Courses will be run at this time, and the AGM due to take place on Friday 10th April 2020 has been postponed.


We hope you will recognize the necessity of these actions in the current climate of uncertainty and thank you for your patience and understanding.


Matt Forbes, the Conwy Harbour Master, has said that there are no plans for Conwy County Borough Council to close the Porth Eirias slipway at the moment. This could, of course, change at any time so we would ask you to contact the Conwy Harbour Office on 01492 596253 with any enquiries as to the current situation.


We sincerely hope the circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic improve in the not too distant future so we can all get back to the sport we love and enjoy.


May we wish you and your family all the very best for 2020, and please, stay safe.




Kind regards,

The Committee, Colwyn Jetski Club,

John, Roger, Andy, Jakki, Mark, Paul and Dylan







2019 Season

A massive year for Colwyn Bay and Colwyn Jetski Club seeibng the first Aqua X event held at Porth Eirias in June, Jetski competitors from all over the world raced in the variable conditions, 2 home grown talents Lucy Barrow and Derek Turner performed excellently finishing 3rd and 4th in the stand-up races - lots of photos on our facebook page of the whole event.


In July our annual trip to the Conwy Quay Day / Conwy RNLI day gave members of the public once again chance to have Jetski rides in exchange for a donation to charity, Our 2 nominated charities this year Ysgol Gogarth and The Osborne Trust benefited greatly.

CJSC also handed over a cheque for nearly £400 to replace the vandal damaged Defibrillator box for Abergele Community First Responders

April 2019

Happy New Jetski Season, first Sunday of the year for CJSC and 15 Jetskis launched from Colwyn Bay on a warm spring day, happy to be on the water again and a few new faces too enjoying their first ride out from Colwyn Bay.

The first RYA proficiency course of 2019 takes place at Colwyn Jetski Club on

27th April, spaces are limited so contact Roger on for further details.

July, August & September 2018

What an amazing summer, lots of new members took to the water with their skis, many of which had undertaken our RYA courses making them safer and more confident on the water.



Many Sunday runs took place, including a few of our members braving the sea conditions and looping Anglesey, others did the usual Molfre trips for Ice cream or Conwy for chips.

The season may now have finished and the tractor put away for the winter but the CJSC committee are hard at work putting plans in place for an even bigger better year in 2019 - keep your eyes peeled for diary dates on our CJSC Facebook page.


May 2018 & June so far... Sunny Sundays, RYA courses and Prom Xtra - Amazing warm sunny days at CJSC, lots of skiers taking advantage of this unusual weather & quite a few new members sharing the fun. 

6 more students took to the water on our latest RYA course some for the very first time, pleased to say everyone passed and gained sun tans at the same time.

The next RYA course in June is Fully Booked but there is still places available for July - For more information on this and other up and coming courses please contact Roger on the email link on the RYA page.


April 2018 - The first RYA course of the season - 5 Students took to the water (and classroom) to gain their RYA Proficiency Certificate, the sun made an appearance as well as the local seals, everyone had a fantastic educational day. 


Gemma Cooper - "Today has been amazing! I attended the RYA course and thoroughly enjoyed every second. Not only did I make some new friends ans see baby seals, I took so much away from the course! Even enjoyed tipping my ski, highly recommended to every ski owner"


Places are filling up fast for the next RYA course on June 9th - don't forget the special offer of Membership and RYA course for £200 is still available.

Easter 2018 - The Jetski season is finally here, Good Fridays weather is looking good and the water is flat calm in Colwyn Bay - The Tractor is running Friday, Sunday and Monday over the Easter weekend so come down and say hello and chat all things Jetski

Don't forget CJSC's first RYA course on 2018 will take place on 14th April, spaces are still available and if your also looking to join Colwyn Jetski Club our special offer of a membership and RYA course for £200 - Email Roger via the RYA page for more details.

September 2017 - Lots been going on in September for Colwyn Jetski Club - We presented Ty Gobaith a cheque for the money raised at Conwy Quay day (see photos on the gallery pages), we also had some RYA courses take place, all the students thoroughly enjoyed the day, everyone passed and we even managed a trip to see the seals in Angel Bay. 

Did I mention we saw the new Llandudno RNLI Lifeboat?....On 26th September CJSC were proud to welcome Lifeboat William F Yates into Llandudno Bay for the first time, a number of Jetskis from Colwyn Jetski Club ventured out to follow the new Lifeboat from the Great Ormes Head to her new home at the boathouse in

Craig y Don, Llandudno.

August 2017 - On 26th August members of Colwyn Jetski Club spent the day giving rides on the River Conwy to the general public and raised a massive £1000 for our two nominated charities this year - Ty Gobaith Children's Hospice & Ogwen Mountain Rescue.

It was an amazing day showcasing our sport to people some of which have never even sat on a Jetski before, lots of smiling faces from both adults and children - Photos now on our gallery  and Facebook pages.



June & July - A busy few weeks for Colwyn Jetski Club, We attended the All Wales Boat Show chatting to lots of people and showcasing our sport to the public. 

A big welcome to all our new members that have joined us over the last couple of months. Don't forget that since 1st July the tractor is now earning its keep twice a week running both Saturdays and Sundays and not forgetting Bank Holidays too.



May 2017 - The first weekend of May and 4 RYA proficiency course students successfully passed with flying colours in what can only be described as challenging conditions.

A week later the sun came out for prom Xtra, yet again a cracking day chatting to people about Colwyn Jetski Club & Jetskis. A big thank you to Neville and Penny from Ideal Boat for allowing us to show off some brand new Jetskis.

All the photos of the Prom Xtra day are now on our Facebook page.


April 2017- First day of the Colwyn Jetski Club season and what a day its been, the sun shone all day, lots of members new and old came down to say hello, and dozens of skis launched. Even the Dolphins and seals came out to play, Please check out the Facebook page for photos of the Dolphins and seals, oh and some members and Jetskis too, I'm the one in the silly hat.


February 2017 - Not long now till the beginning of the season, don't forget our first Club day & Sunday launch is on 2nd April with the AGM on Good Friday 14th April. Please take a look at our News page for further details of up and coming events. 

January 2017 - Happy New Year to all our members and fellow skiers.

Plans are well under way for our 2017 season and membership renewals have been sent out, if you were a 2016 member and haven't received your renewal pack yet please give Roger a shout at

September and Yes....October

What an amazing end to the season we've had, the sun made a very long awaited appearance and we even got a weekend skiing in October too. The season maybe finished for 2016 but we are busy behind the scenes planning 2017.

August - More RYA Courses and BBQ

Over the month of August another 9 candidates successfully completed their RYA training with Colwyn Jetski Club, everyone really enjoyed the training days and lots more excellent feedback came in. Don't forget all our members will receive a discount off next years membership for having your RYA proficiency certificate - bookings are still being taken for courses so please get your name down early to avoid disappointment, for further details see the RYA page.


August also included our Bank Holiday BBQ, the rain stayed away and dozens of members, their families and friends enjoyed a day of jetskiing and burgers. A big thank you to all involved in the day, the photos are now in the gallery section. 


July - Conwy Quay Day - Photos on the Gallery Page

On 23rd July 15 of our club skiers took to the water in Conwy to take part in the Conwy Quay Day and gave passenger rides to the general public. What an amazing day we had, the sun shone (for part of the day anyway) and the club managed to raise nearly £900 for our charities The Air Ambulance and the new RNLI boathouse in Llandudno. 

Also this year CJSC are donating £100 of the money raised to one of our club members Carina Williams who is doing a parachute jump for St David's Hospice in Llandudno, we would all like to wish her the best of luck with the jump and cant wait to see the photos.


A massive thank you to everyone involved in the day, and another big thankyou to Ideal Boat for supplying all the riders and helpers with T-shirts to wear on the day.  

June - RYA Courses in full swing

Yet another 6 Candidates successfully passed their RYA Proficiency Course with Colwyn Jetski Club, for once the sun came out and the sea was flat and more great feedback from all the students, see the Gallery pages for some photos of our successful Candidates.


May - Prom Xtra & Sunny Day

Crowds flocked to Porth Eirias on a sunny Saturday afternoon, The Colwyn Jetski Club crew were out and about and our new gazebo took pride of place on the car park with 3 brand new Jetskis in it and the ski club tractor along side. Many thanks to Ideal Boat for allowing us to use their skis and letting people sit on them, although the tractor was more of a hit with the little ones.  Photos on our Gallery pages.

April - Our First RYA PWC Course of the season

Having completed the first RYA course of the year at Colwyn Jetski Club, six students now have their PWC proficiency certificates and are ready to safely hit the waves. A fantastic fun day was had by everyone and great feedback from all the students.


"I just wanted to send a quick message to say THANK YOU for Saturday. The RYA PWC course was brilliant! Jakki and Andy were great trainers and made me feel at ease completely! Even got to 40mph on that rough sea. So glad we did the capsizing part and now feel much confident out at sea if an emergency happened! Its a totally family atmosphere at the club with everyone helping and supporting eachother! The course is highly recommended to all jetskiers regardless of experience"  - Carina.



Year of Adventure 2016 / Blwyddyn Antur 2016

Late last year Colwyn Jetski Club was approached to take part in a very special video to promote 2016 as Wales Year of Adventure. CJSC proudly agreed and a number of videos were produced to be used for promotional purposes throughout 2016.

Here are the results:

RYA Courses

In autumn 2014 the club applied for and was granted Recognised Training Centre for Personal Watercraft status by the RYA (Royal Yachting Association), the national governing body for all forms of boating.  The certification followed a site inspection and several training courses for each of the six committee members who are now qualified RYA Personal Watercraft Instructors.

This means that the club are offering the 1-day RYA Personal Watercraft Proficiency Course to all PW riders. This course is designed to ensure safe, sensible and enjoyable PW operation, and the qualification gained, after successful completion of the course, is recognised by several PW insurance companies, leading in some cases to a reduced premium. Please look on our RYA pages for all the 2016 course dates.

We now offer on line payment for the course (reductions for club members too). For Full details please see the RYA pages on this site.

Colwyn Jetski Clubs Tractor

One of the best assets during 2015 was the purchase of our own brand new tractor to enable us to offer FREE launch and retrieval to all members on Sundays and Bank Holidays throughout the season, this year we are also offering FREE launches to club members on Saturdays in July, August and September. There is a charge of £20 for Non Member Launching on these days (Jetskis only)


Keep an eye on the Colwyn Jetski Club Facebook page or the website for more details of the up and coming events. 


Please note Colwyn Jetski Club does not hire out Jetskis. All Jetskis used at Colwyn Jetski Club are privately owned by our members

Full News
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